Divers in Brazil and Professional diving contractors, approved by Classifications for underwater repairs and IWS.

Rua Manoel Vereza, 124, Vitoria, BRAZIL
Aqua Port is also a well recognized diving company classified by all class societies working in Brazil, to attending with different kinds of services, including In-water surveys in lieu of dry-docking.
Underwater services effected by our company:
In wat ...

Av. Brasil, 8556 - Ramos, Rio de janeiro, Brasil
COMMERCIAL DIVE COMPANY SERVING THE BRAZILIAN TERRITORYTecnosub has a unique advantage of studying the need of each customer to enable the suitable solution for each work. In case of doubt or need for special services, please contact us for unique technic ...

Rua Tomé Gibson, 368, Pina, Recife-PE, Brasil, 51.011-480
We work directly in execution, inspection, maintenance of maritime works, dredging, inspection and repairs in ships and boats, search, rescue and salvage services, submerged welding and cutting services and underwater photography and filming services

Rua Visconde do Rio Branco, 222 Bairro Cidade Nova, Rio Grande, Brazil
Underwater, divers, Photographic, Inspections, CCTV/Video, Hull coating, Underwater hull cleaning, Propeller super polishing Blanking of sea chests & overboard discharges, Installation of cofferdams, Replacement of transducers & speed logs. ...

Rua Jau No.10 Centro, Sao Sebastiao, Brazil
Oceanave is on the maritime business for over 35 years, carrying out ship´s repairs and maintenance. We have a large team of trained and specialized divers to attend the most diverse activities such as hull cleaning, propeller super polishing, wet w ...

Rua dos Expedicionários 1180, Paranaguá, Brasil
Diving is family tradition. Argos was founded in 1992 by the visionary Nereu Gouvêa.Argos widened the horizons and radically specialized in hull cleaning and propeller polishing services. Currently, the company stands out for its agility and efficiency un ...

Rua Brás Cubas, 222 - Vila Nova, Santos, Brazil, 11013-162
Netuno is a commercial diving company that gives priority to technical qualification of it employess, quality in the services provided, safety, health and environment.
Located in Santos/Brazil, near the largest port in Latin America, the Netuno has a she ...

RJ - 24.933-145, Estrada Velha de Maricá, Rio do Ouro Niterói, Brazil, RJ - 24.933-145
The AquaSub is a commercial diving company that seeks increasingly, and specialize in the area of underwater repairs propellants.In-water survey of ships and mobile offshore units.

Lote 1991-Cidade, Itaboraí, Brasil, 24800-900
SISTAC offers services of non-destructive tests (NDT), inspection, maintenance and repairs in hard-to-reach assets and locations, using professional diving, rope access and ROV techniques.UWILDSISTAC has more than two decades experience in hull, ties and ...

Rua Miguel Correia No 35, IIha da Madeira, Itaguai, Brasil
River Sub Servicos Subaquaticos E Manutencao Em Geral Ltda ME In-water survey of ships and mobile offshore units

Avenida Zen s/n Lotes 1, 2 e3-Quadra B, Rio das Ostras, Brasil
Oceanica Engenharia E ConsultoriaLtda Underwater, divers, Photographic, Inspections, CCTV/Video, Hull coating, Underwater hull cleaning, Propeller super polishing.

76, Lote 04 Quadra, Nova Iguacu - RJ, Ceramica, Brasil
Mergulho Pro Consultoria Instrucoes E Servicos Subaquaticos Especializados Ltda In-water survey of ships and mobile offshore units

Rua Roma, 392 Camboriu, Santa Catarina, Brasil
Mares do Sul Salvage - Mergulho Profissional - EIRELE-ME In-water survey of ships and mobile offshore units

Est. Martha Alcântara Fares 3000, Guapimirim, Brazil
Underwater, divers, Photographic, Inspections, CCTV/Video, Hull coating, Underwater hull cleaning, Propeller super polishing Blanking of sea chests & overboard discharges Installation of cofferdams Replacement of transducers & speed logs

Rua São Francisco, 316, Santos, Brazil
The company Safe underwater works with in various segments underwater services, we have a lot of experience of our divers and we are ready to serve customers with technical expertise and high-tech equipment, approved by DNV-GL .
Port constructionsCleanin ...

Antonio Miguel dos Santos 115, Santos, Brasil, SP 11431 050
Underwater Hull Cleaning and Holds Cleaning/holds tank .. And Underwater inspection by Class…
Location and coverage.Santos (Head office)São Sebastião (Head Office)Sao Francisco do Sul (Branch office)Paranagua (Auxiliary office) ...

Rua Dr. Cochrane 222, Santos, Brazil, 11-013-100
Underwater, divers, Photographic, Inspections, CCTV/Video, Hull coating, Underwater hull cleaning, Propeller super polishing Blanking of sea chests & overboard discharges, Installation of cofferdams, Replacement of transducers & speed logs. ...

Rua Quinta dos Lázaros 50, Salvador, Quintas, Salvador
Underwater, divers, Photographic, Inspections, CCTV/Video, Hull coating, Underwater hull cleaning, Propeller super polishing Blanking of sea chests & overboard discharges Installation of cofferdams Replacement of transducers & speed logs