Certifications: NKK

Haven 29 Noorderlaan 9, ANTWERP, BELGIUM
Underwater works. Divers. Ships Repairs & Services. Hydrex offers fast underwater ship repair and maintenance solutions to ship owners and the offshore industry and keeps vessels out of drydock.
Providing a service that is both versatile and effective ...

Krimperslaan 4D, Temse, Belgium
Proper maintenance is of primordial importance – not only but certainly also for ships.
AUS can be your ideal partner for the routine maintenance of your fleet – when time or budget issues don’t allow a docking in a dry-dock.
Underwate ...

Hofstraat 9, Kruibeke, Belgium, 9150
DCN Diving is a specialist subsea service provider delivering innovative engineering and subsea solutions for offshore oil and gas, renewable energy infrastructure and civil marine works.With three companies in three countries, a daily deployment of 80-20 ...

Houtdok Noord Kaai 27B, Antwerp, Belgium, 2030
Benelux Diving Corporation nv was founded in 1967 in Antwerp by 2 divers who specialized into underwater welding and the repair of locks and quays. 45 years later Benelux Diving Corporation has grown into a company with 25 employers and possessing all the ...